I Want to Know What Love Is (1999 Remaster) · Foreigner
Agent Provocateur
℗ 1984 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Backing Vocals: Alannah Currie
Producer: Alex Sadkin
Piano, Synthesizer: Bob Mayo
Backing Vocals: Bob Mayo
Assistant Engineer: Bobby Cohen
Synthesizer: Brian Eddolls
Synthesizer: Dave Lebolt
Drums: Dennis Elliott
Backing Vocals: Don Harper
Engineer: Frank Filipetti
Mastering Engineer: George Marino
Additional Engineer: Howie Lindeman
Backing Vocals: Ian Lloyd
Synthesizer: Jack Walkman
Additional Engineer: Jason Corsaro
Arranger: Jennifer Holliday
Backing Vocals: Jennifer Holliday
Additional Engineer: Joe Ferla
Backing Vocals: Joe Leeway
Additional Engineer: Josh Abbey
Additional Engineer: Larry Alexander
Synthesizer: Larry Fast
Percussion: Lou Gramm
Lead Vocals: Lou Gramm
Saxophone: Mark Rivera
Backing Vocals: Mark Rivera
Bass Guitar: Mick Jones
Keyboards, Synthesizer: Mick Jones
Producer: Mick Jones
Backing Vocals: Mick Jones
Backing Vocals: New Jersey Mass Choir of the GMWA
Bass Guitar: Rick Wills
Backing Vocals: Rick Wills
Assistant Engineer: Scott Mabuchi
Mastering Engineer: Ten Jensen
Assistant Engineer: Tim Crich
Backing Vocals: Tom Bailey
Synthesizer: Wally Badarou
Writer: Mick Jones
Two green and one blue prongs (rockers) are connected by pink double bar (conrod) to create a 4-bar linkage.
They are also connected by two spring — bar assemblies, the purpose of which is keeping the prongs firmly at closing or opening positions.
Three popcorn bars play role of stoppers for the prongs.
The plug base and cover are not shown.
Все авторские права принадлежат Их законным владельцам. Если вы являетесь автором Фрагмента из выпуска и его Распространение ущемляет Ваши авторские права пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.
Во время прямого эфира может произойти что угодно. Бывает даже так, что люди просто забывают о том, что их снимают. Скоро вы увидите несколько забавных моментов случившихся во время прямого эфира.
Интервью со львом
Репортер явно не ожидала такой шутки ото льва
Неловкий момент
Чрезвычайно неловкий момент произошел во время эфира. Ведущий решил поцеловать свою коллегу, но та в свою очередь отказала.
И снова поцелуй
У репортера не работал наушник, и оператор решил помочь. Интересно почему он подумал, что поцелуй в ухо поможет наладить звук.
По вопросам авторского права и сотрудничества, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу: djaxent@gmail.com
For copyright matters please contact us at: djaxent@gmail.com
Please enjoy!
Dear viewers of our channel, this video is entertaining, but there may be shocking moments and profanity in it. The video was not made for the purpose offend and humiliate anyone and does not call you for any actions (doesn’t contain calls for violence, cruelty and hatred, glorifying violence or promoting hate, as well as illegal actions or actions that could harm health or lead to death). We dont promote harm to minors, their use of alcohol and their smoking, or drug abuse.The author of the channel is not responsible for injuries and damages received by you when trying to repeat what you see. We strongly recommend not to repeat what you saw in this video in real life.