
I Will Always Love You

I Will Always Love You · Whitney Houston

Qmusic Top 1000 — deel 1 (2013)

℗ 1992 Arista Records LLC

Released on: 2013-11-08

Composer, Lyricist: Dolly Parton
Bass: Neil Stubenhaus
Drums: Ricky Lawson
Guitar: Dean Parks
Guitar: Michael Landau
Keyboards, Performance Arranger, Producer: David Foster
Programmer: Claude Gaudette
Programmer: Tony Smith
Saxophone: Kirk Whalum
Director: Rickey Minor
Recording Engineer: Bill Schnee
Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Dave Reitzas
Recording Engineer: Peter Yianilos
Performance Arranger: Ronn Huff

Auto-generated by YouTube.


Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

KOODA · 6ix9ine


℗ 2017 Scumgang/TenThousand Projects

Released on: 2017-12-03

Producer, Executive Producer: Christian Ehigiator
Studio Personnel, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mix Engineer, Recording Engineer: Wizard Lee Weinberg
Producer: Koncept — P
Producer: Flamm
Unknown, Other: Robert A. Celestin
Unknown, Other: Alicia Ferriabough Taylor
Composer Lyricist: 6ix9ine

Auto-generated by YouTube.


Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group



℗ 2020 Interscope Records

Released on: 2020-08-04

Producer: Sean Da Firzt
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Chris West
Associated Performer, Rap Vocalist: DaBaby
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Chris White
Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Glenn A Tabor III
Composer Lyricist: Jonathan Lyndale Kirk
Composer Lyricist: Anthony L Mosley

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Lorde - Team

Title: Lorde – Team (Pure Heroine Album)
Music video by Lorde performing Team. © 2013 Universal Music NZ Ltd…
Get Lorde’s Pure Heroine album here: Lorde.lnk.to/PureHeroineID

Listen to more Lorde:
Follow Lorde: Website: lorde.co.nz/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/LordeMusic/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Lorde
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LordeMusic
YouTube: www.youtube.com/LordeMusic

Wait till youre announced
Weve not yet lost all our graces
The hounds will stay in chains
Look upon Your Greatness and Shell send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out
Send the call out

[Verse 1]
Call all the ladies out, theyre in their finery
A hundred jewels on throats
A hundred jewels between teeth
Now bring my boys in, their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a brother, while he glows through the room

Dancin around the lies we tell
Dancin around big eyes as well
Even the comatose, they dont dance and tell

We live in cities youll never see onscreen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Livin in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know were on each others team

Im kind of over gettin told to throw my hands up in the air
So there

[Verse 2]
So all the cups got broke
Shards beneath our feet
But it wasnt my fault
And everyones competing for a love they wont receive
Cause what this palace wants is release

We live in cities youll never see onscreen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Livin in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know were on each others team

Im kind of over gettin told to throw my hands up in the air
So there
Im kind of older than I was when I reveled without a care
So there

We live in cities youll never see onscreen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Livin in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know were on each others team

Were on each others team
And you know were on each others team
Were on each others team
Were on each others team
And you know, and you know, and you know

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Камеди Клаб Захар Мокроусов «Защекочу»

Артист лейбла Bad Star Захар Мокроусов «Защекочу». Эфир от 18.12.2020

Подписывайся и смотри новые видео несколько раз в неделю!

Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.

Производство: Comedy Club Production
Дюша Метелкин (Андрей Минин): www.instagram.com/dushausbofficial
Турбо (Сергей Гореликов): www.instagram.com/gorel
Никита (Константин Маласаев): www.instagram.com/malasajev
Стас (Андрей Шелков): www.instagram.com/stas_usb
Гена (Дмитрий Вьюшкин): www.instagram.com/vyushkin.dima
ComedyClub: www.instagram.com/comedyclubru
ТНТ: www.instagram.com/tnt_online

Камеди Клаб в Тик Ток — www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru

#камедиклаб #тнт #comedyclub

Камеди Клаб Харламов Батрутдинов Кравец Аверин Иванов Смирнов «Серьёзный человек»

Гарик Харламов, Тимур Батрутдинов, Марина Кравец, Андрей Аверин, Антон Иванов, Алексей Смирнов «Серьёзный человек». Эфир от 13.11.2020

Подписывайся и смотри новые видео несколько раз в неделю!

Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.

Производство: Comedy Club Production
Антон Иванов: www.instagram.com/banderas_spb
Алексей Смирнов: www.instagram.com/alesha_smirnov
Марина Кравец: www.instagram.com/marinakravets
Андрей Аверин: www.instagram.com/averinandrei
Тимур Батрутдинов: www.instagram.com/timurbatrutdinov
Гарик Харламов: www.instagram.com/garikkharlamov
Павел Воля: www.instagram.com/pavelvolyaofficial
ComedyClub: www.instagram.com/comedyclubru
ТНТ: www.instagram.com/tnt_online

Камеди Клаб в Тик Ток — www.tiktok.com/@comedyclubru

#камедиклаб #тнт #comedyclub

Камеди Клаб «Кто хочет стать миллионером?» Харламов Федункив Иванов

Гарик Харламов, Марина Федункив, Антон Иванов «Кто хочет стать миллионером?»
Подписывайся и смотри новые видео несколько раз в неделю!

Смотри ComedyClub по пятницам в 21:00 на ТНТ.

Производство: Comedy Club Production
Антон Иванов: www.instagram.com/banderas_spb
Гарик Харламов: www.instagram.com/garikkharlamov
Марина Федункив: www.instagram.com/marina_phedunkiv
ComedyClub: www.instagram.com/comedyclubru
ТНТ: www.instagram.com/tnt_online

#камедиклаб #тнт #comedyclub